Last weekend our Jr. High Youth entered the Cardboard Boat Regatta. We knew talking with them a few months ago about doing this would be a total hit for the kids. Us leaders had a bigger plan..."How can we minister to others while we are there?"
Here is our Noah & Noah's wife in front of the ark.
Let me introduce a special couple, the elephants....oops I mean the Whiteheads. This couple is very special to me because of how dedicated they are in the youth and in our church in general.
You may not realize it, but yes that's me and the hubs...the tigers! Look how beautiful the day was with the sun shining. We couldn't have ask the Lord for anything better.
This is a good pic of our youth shirts which I totally LOVE. I'm really into the peace signs these days. Maybe someone is trying to tell me I need more "peace" in my life. Hint!?
Here is the crew including leaders, leaders children, youth, and friends.
The little ones had a blast just as much because they could make their own "boats" from manila folders and straws and float in the kiddie pool. I think they all enjoyed themselves.
I couldn't pass this pic up of the kitten and the dog AKA the Fleege girlies. They are the sweetest girls, and it's so amazing to me see how they are growing so quickly. I remember when we first started going to CBC little Megan was a newborn baby and we sat right behind them in service. I would just stare at her the entire church service dreaming of having my own little princess one day.
Time for launch...This pic cracks me up because it looks like Kevin & Jared are holding hands. They are not but more like holding the boats before the whistle is blown. As you can tell Darien was ready to go!
Noah's ark didn't make it too far into the water. That's ok because our ARK rescue boat made it through the course 2 TIMES!!!
Here is a picture of our proud youth. Not only were they proud of themselves, but all of us leaders were SO VERY PROUD of them for all of their teamwork and ministry they did that day.
Do you see how far they actually had to paddle and then all the way back, didn't look too easy especially with the wind blowing against them. GREAT TEAMWORK KIDDOS!
That's all that it takes to make this world we live in a better place while we are here.
I remember when Maddie Fleege was a newborn!